Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Representatives blasted three sins of the child it is recommended that language

Representatives blasted three sins of the child, it is recommended that language cannot appear clearly defined plot lens

Buy core

On this year's session, the national people's Congress representatives, sugar tobacco wine, Xinxiang city, Henan province, limited liability company, Chairman of core, make recommendations for standard television or Internet broadcast of children's films.

"Currently the child content, network TV violence, vulgar and dangerous plot, uncivil language is also more prominent, and no fixed broadcast time. "Buy shirui said. Anti corruption movie was never tolerant of in

Rui further pointed out that the child's three main problems:

First, some broadcast on children's film content and age range there is no specific standard. Prevailing in the part of the child's material not suitable for children, such as violence, sex, profanity and other elements, should arouse attention.

Her domestic hit cartoon happy sheep and Grey Wolf and the bear, for example, that affect individual children, language and behavior phenomena emerge, even causing serious consequences.

"Such as the Li brothers, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, children imitate the pleasant goat and big big Wolf cartoon Wolf lamb serious burns; animated film the bear had appeared more than 20 times in the more than 10 minutes of uncivil language, individual children vulnerable. "Buy shirui noted in the recommendation.

Second time children's TV is not required. Children should eat, sleep time and TV company, greatly shortens the time for outdoor activities and games with peers, influence the children's healthy development and social skills training.

Third, lack of adequate supervision and with them afterwards, processing of a complaint, complaint mechanisms.

To solve the above problems, buy core recommendations:

First, in legislative form to the broadcast content developed and refined standards for children of different ages may not appear in the film language, plot, scenes, one a clear specification, and violators severely punished. Second, child's play time on TV be regulated, in meal and rest periods off the child's (lunch, dinner and after 10:00 prohibited for children), and supervision. Third, set up after complaints, handling, complaint mechanisms, open channels of supervision by the masses, clear regulatory and complaint is processed in a timely manner.

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